I have been mulling this over for a long time.
Photos of abandoned structures.
I know it is not a new idea, but I cannot stop thinking about it.
I am not a photographer, but I do like taking pictures on occasion. I began taking pictures of abandoned structures a year or so ago. The idea came to me when we were on our way to Trout Lake in Upstate New York in July 2013. We were driving for a few hours when I saw a sign. It was on a tall rusty post, about 15 feet or more in the air. The sign was in rough shape and said "Diner". There was nothing around it ~ no structure that used to be a diner. Just a cement slab with weeds and bushes growing through it. But the sign remained.
The structures themselves are not hard to find at all, but the photography is presenting a problem. I will not trespass, so I am snapping from the road. And the Bird Man will not pull over when we drive. He will slow down when there is no one behind us, but that is it. I have to re-examine this situation.
I meant to start these posts September 2013, but I didn't have enough photos at that time. I still don't. I have a lot of blur and streaks and partials with the Bird Man's nose in the photo. But I decided not to wait anymore. Maybe once I start putting it up here, the photos will be easier to come by. Maybe not. But not starting something I want to start is getting old, as am I. I tend to wait for the perfect time to start something. THERE IS NO PERFECT TIME. Ever. There is only the desire and the now.
This has become such an agonizing-long-time-talking-about-it process that my girls now yell every 10 minutes from the back seat, "ABANDONED STRUCTURE!!!" They once sent me into the deli to get hoagies and the three of them took my camera and took pictures of abandoned lawn chairs, mailboxes, weeds, house window, deli sign, styrofoam coffee cup, crooked street sign, and of course one of themselves. They mock me so.....
When the photos are posted, I would love to hear from you...what story do you think accompanies the structure? What went on with it when it was full of life and newness? What caused its demise?
What do you see when you look at it? Stories. Everything has a story. It will be fun to make up a few of our own.
And now....was....
Route 23 Sussex County New Jersey |