Cell phone early morning on the bead table photo...maybe when I get the blog rolling, I will break out the good camera again. For now, quick and convenient is how I need to do the photos. Something had to give in order for me to start up again. And taking good photos (or what I perceive are good) stresses me out! Who needs stress when it comes to beading?!?
So here's the latest :
The top two Rocks are from Lake Michigan. The bottom one is a sand encrusted Sand Dollar from Monmouth Beach, New Jersey. I don't know if you can see the dark green Rock good enough to see the light green line cutting through the center. It is really cool! The beadwork around all three were meant for three entirely different Rocks. It happens more often than not when I bead around Rocks. I get to a certain point in beading the mandala or bezel and it stops working for the Rock I picked out. Instead of cutting it all apart, I hunt through my many many vases of Rocks until I find another one that will work with the weaving and pop it in. It is a challenge finding the proper size/color/texture to go with the already existing beadwork.
The freshwater pearls in that first Rock are a gift from Jasvanti Patel. She sent me these pearls and some gorgeous onyx cabs. They came quite a while ago when I took a break from beading. I have beaded up the cabs several times but cut them all apart each time. So far, they had brief lives as bracelets and earrings. I keep them on the bead table at all times and feel like the final inspiration is so close I can feel it tickling me. These pearls were earrings and bracelets, only to be cut cut cut. I think this bezel and very very long chain (to be doubled) is a keeper. Maybe the pearls will pass on their happy vibe to the cabs!
If you haven't seen Jasvanti's work, you should! Her beadwork is elegant and stunningly beautiful. Jewelry by Jasvanti is your next stop!
See you next week!