Sunshine Girl made a bucket list. There are some things on the list that are rather do-able. There are a couple things on there that I don't want to know about until after they happen. One of the things she has on her list is to go to Ringing Rocks Park in Upper Black Eddy, Bucks County, PA. Approximately 1/3 of the rocks ring when you strike them. She said that is what she wanted to do this past weekend. Ok~we could handle that!
When we got to the park, we followed a short trail that opened up into a 7ish acre boulder field. The Bug and I are not the most sure footed people you'll meet, but we made it out pretty far. Sunshine Girl and the Bird Man were agile and hopping from rock to rock without worry of falling on their heads or twisting and ankle or shifting rocks. I wish I had that confidence! I actually remembered a camera (a standing joke in the house because I forget it 99.9% of the time...we have zero pictures of kids' concerts/ceremonies, etc), and took many photos of the Sunshine Girl striking a rocks and striking poses.
It was a gorgeous day ~ beautiful weather, fun with hammers, good conversation, meandering rides along the Delaware, lots of laughing, and someone got to put her first check on her Bucket List.
To find out more about the park, geological info about the boulder field, and to see better photos, this website is a good one. Sometimes I want to know why things happen. Sometimes I just want to let the mystery be.
Sunshine Girl
The Bug
The Bird Man. One guess as to what he is doing?
Self Portrait
Ringing Rocks Park ~ boulder field
The musician hunting for bells
A Dream Come True
Ringing away
Out among the boulders
Musician and her instrument
We gave her the nickname of Sunshine Girl way back when she was an infant. She was such a miserable child for quite a few years. She had a turbulent start to life, so it was understandable that she was a crankpot. But eventually, the name Sunshine Girl stopped becoming tongue-in-cheek and became a self fulfilling prophecy.
We would have kept her regardless ;-)