
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Adirondack Vacation

 Trying out a few things here...testing my computer after getting it "fixed" (but still getting something new sometime hopefully soon!)...and taking photos from my phone and putting them on the computer.  Radical, I know, but I have never done it before.
These are pictures from Trout Lake, St. Lawrence County, NY. (I caught the biggest fish of the trip!).  Those windows are our bedroom for the week.  10 windows all around the bed.  Paradise!

I cannot believe how much I miss blogging!  Thanks to you all for helping me feel that way :-)

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Black and White Challenge

That I am here at all is a challenge met...still no computer.  Begging, stealing, borrowing wherever I go, just to check e-mails and post occasionally on Facebook.  I am done trying to make sense again of the old and ready to buy a brand new something...Asus, HP, maybe venture over to Apple?  The timing of my computer's demise is good, though...I always like to unplug in the summer, so I have that going for me :-)  This was my only official summer blog obligation, so after this, who knows when I will be back.  Ahhh, the sweet lure of Summer...a time to tune out and check in with nature.  Kayaking, swimming, lounging, sleeping, reading...long lazy days of summer :-)

But I digress...The Black and White Challenge Hosted by Sally...Thanks for the push, Sally!
I cannot figure out how to edit on the computer I am currently borrowing so I cannot crop or rotate the photos.  C'est la Vie.  The black rows are square stitch.  The center white row is peyote.  I added the pearls and laced them all together.  I really like how this turned out!

Thanks so much for stopping by!  Here is a list of Participants...go check out their B & W goodness!